670 Linwood Avenue Whitinsville MA 01588 508.234.4242
Executive Director: Charlene Perkins Cutler
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Its authentic…the real deal! This is where the American Industrial Revolution began and sent reverberations throughout the country. Follow the 46 miles of the Blackstone River as it drops 450 feet to sea level. Explore the varied habitats of its watershed, the charming towns and villages in the region, and our distinctive culture created by ethnic influences from around the globe. This is Blackstone River Valley National Heritage Corridor. An energetic non-profit, Blackstone Heritage corridor, Inc. partners with organizations, local communities and businesses, and residents to ensure the long-term vitality of the National Heritage Corridor.

Clean Environment

Using a model that responds to the debates over the past decade, the United Nations now uses a method of 4 Circles of Sustainability, distinguishing economic, ecological, political and cultural sustainability. Ideally, every action we take and every decision we make will consider the impacts on these 4 Circles. A sustainable activity is one that can be repeated; it will not use more resources than are being created.

The mission of the Blackstone Heritage Corridor is to work with community partners to preserve and promote the Valley’s historic, cultural, natural and recreational resources for current and future generations. Historically, when mills used the power of the river and disposed of hazardous materials into the same water, the ecology of the river system suffered. Our actions today seek a balance through creativity and innovation that supports and promotes development which, in turn, supports and promotes our environmental systems, as well as our social and cultural systems.

This results in strong, resilient communities that embrace all 4 elements of sustainability. The future will provide opportunities for communities that are stronger and more creative than the ones we have today.  More

Trash Responsibly Program

Join the BHC Trash Responsibly™  campaign to rid the Blackstone River Valley of litter! Litter is not only unsightly and a blight on our cities and towns, but it also adversely impacts water quality. One piece of litter can find its way into a storm drain, then into a brook , a stream, a river and out into the ocean. This program promotes Great American Cleanup activities and a “Fishing Responsibly” campaign to recycle your monofilament fishing line & spools. More

Renewing Communities

Whether natural or built, protection of our Corridor’s resources becomes paramount to the Valley’s sustainability. Blackstone Heritage Corridor works with federal, state and private organizations to help neighborhoods assess and protect environmental areas, historic buildings, and stunning viewsheds.  More