Test Your Recycling Knowledge

KBVB wants to hear from you.

Let’s see what Rhode Island understands about recycling and where we might need more information.
KBVB will share the answers on our website, or we can send directly back to you through email if you submit your email.
Thank you for your  interest to better Recycling in RI.

    Saving moneySaving the environmentProlonging the life of the state landfillTown/city mandate for trash collectionI don't recycle


    Yes - Somehow they can take the wrong items out and recycle the restNo - Wrong items cannot be removed so never recycle items you are not sure belong in recycling

    A pro - I know what can/can't be recycled and rarely have any questionsA good recycler - I mostly know what I can/can't recycle but I may have more to learnNOT a good recycler but want to learn moreNOT interested in recycling




    Yes - Every person's recycling mattersNo - I have such a small amount it doesn't make a differenceI don't knowI don't care

    Yes - I use a variety of programs to recycle "beyond the bin"No - I only recycle in my cart/binI'm not sure but I want to learn more