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Plogging Month

2nd Annual Individual Plogging Event April 25th is National Plogging Day making it this the perfect month to Plog - so KBVB is hosting our 2nd Annual Plogging Event. During the month of April, request [...]

Litter Cleanup – Oak Grove Pawtucket

Oak Grove Cemetary Central Avenue, Pawtucket

Join Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook for our second cleanup of Oak Grove Cemetery in honor of Rhode Island Cemetery Cleanup Month

Eco-Depot Collection

The Monastery 1464 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland

Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection in Cumberland. Open to  all RI residents. What’s accepted?

E-Waste Recycling Event

Four Corners Community Chapel 200 Angell Road, Cumberland

Indie Cycle is hosting an electronic waste (e-waste) recycling event. What they take: