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Plogging Month
2nd Annual Individual Plogging Event April 25th is National Plogging Day making it this the perfect month to Plog - so KBVB is hosting our 2nd Annual Plogging Event. During the month of April, request [...]
We celebrate Earth Day internationally on April 22nd. This year is the 51st Anniversary. Find out more: History of Earth Day Get Involved with KBVB as we celebrate our planet & environment.
Litter Cleanup – India Point Providence
Join the Cozy Rhody crew for this cleanup on Earth Day. more info
Earth Day & Poetry Month virtual event
Celebrate Earth Day with Voices of the Earth-poetry readings from our local poets. This is a zoom event @ 7pm: click below to join the event. https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZYpde6gpz0oHNZ6uSwbEtabDpQkkLiVwC_l