Plogging Month
2nd Annual Individual Plogging Event April 25th is National Plogging Day making it this the perfect month to Plog - so KBVB is hosting our 2nd Annual Plogging Event. During the month of April, request [...]
Litter Cleanup – Cumberland Yellow Bag Day
Cumberland's annual Yellow Bag Day! Great way to come out and help at this fun litter cleanup. Contact Tom Ward for more information and time of the event.
Litter Cleanup – Wanskuck Providence
Join the Cozy Rhody crew for this cleanup. more info
Litter Cleanup – Mainville RI
Litter Cleanup in Mainville RI - Join Lincoln's Town Councilman Ken Pichette as they concentrate on the northern section of Lincoln. Contact Pichette for more details and time of the event.
Froggy Nights – Audubon: North Smithfield
Fort Wildlife Refuge 1443 Providence Pike, North Smithfield, RITake a guided evening walk on Fort Wildlife Refuge and listen to the calls of spring peepers and wood frogs found in the woods and wetlands. more details:
Litter Cleanup – Blackstone River Watershed Council
Save the date: more details coming soon. Time is NOT finalized -- BRWC will be cleaning the Lonsdale Drive-In area in Lincoln.
Litter Cleanup – Oak Grove Pawtucket
Oak Grove Cemetary Central Avenue, Pawtucket, RIJoin Friends of the Ten Mile and Bucklin Brook for our second cleanup of Oak Grove Cemetery in honor of Rhode Island Cemetery Cleanup Month
Eco-Depot Collection
The Monastery 1464 Diamond Hill Rd, Cumberland, RIHousehold Hazardous Waste (HHW) collection in Cumberland. Open to all RI residents. What’s accepted?
E-Waste Recycling Event
Four Corners Community Chapel 200 Angell Road, Cumberland, RIIndie Cycle is hosting an electronic waste (e-waste) recycling event. What they take:
Tree Hugger Tuesday – Cumberland
BlackStone Herbs & Coffee Bar 3 Dexter Street, Cumberland, RIOur Tree Hugger Tuesday events are back. Event flyer This cleanup is with BlackStone Herb & Coffee Bar in Cumberland. Come take part in our clean-up meet-up. Clean up: Broad St & Dexter St area/ [...]
We celebrate Earth Day internationally on April 22nd. This year is the 51st Anniversary. Find out more: History of Earth Day Get Involved with KBVB as we celebrate our planet & environment.
Litter Cleanup – India Point Providence
Join the Cozy Rhody crew for this cleanup on Earth Day. more info