Don’t Litter Posters on Display

Blackstone River Valley Visitor Center Rt 295 North

Come View our 2019 Poster Entries @ The Gallery in our Blackstone Valley Visitor Center 175 Main Street, Pawtucket RI Hours:  10 am - 4 pm :  7 days a week 401-724-2200 Posters will be [...]

Secure Your Load Awareness Day

A day to remember how important it is to properly secure any items being transported in trucks.  Debris can quickly fly when not secure. This causes hazards and many accidents or death to persons traveling [...]

Tree Hugger Tuesday – American Legion Post #14 Cumberland

American Legion Post #14 695 Broad Street, Cumberland, RI, United States

Join Us for this weeks Tree Hugger Tuesday event.  American Legion Post #14 - VFW parking at the VFW hall. please register so I can contact you if there are any changes to this event.