Town of Cumberland E-Waste Recycling Event

Cumberland Monestary 1464 Diamond Hill Road, Cumberland, RI

Town of Cumberland E-Waste Recycling Event  Note:  Hazardous waste is not accepted at this event. What We Take please only bring accepted items, as we cannot take any but what is accepted.  

Pawtucket GREAT #EARTHDAY Cleanup

Galego Court 383 Weeden St, Pawtucket

Volunteers Welcome Pawtucket GREAT #EARTHDAY Cleanup 15 Sites -- Headquarter @ Galego Court 383 Weeden Street Join us for funday. Refreshments and Free Seed Plantings Call 369-1918 or email:  

Earth Day

Earth Day is an annual event celebrated on April 22. Worldwide, various events are held to demonstrate support for environmental protection. First celebrated in 1970, Earth Day now includes events in more than 193 countries, [...]